This is a little girl that is from a family in Nyngan that go to Nyngan Baptist and where we go and do a kids club mission trip each year. She is also the grandaughter of a family that go to Kurrajong Baptist.

Please visit her blog and please pray for her and her family.

This is such a sad story and so much more when we know the family and the fact that we are parents, please spend the time and take a look.

Some background information since the beginning

Day 1 - Tuesday 17/4

The Brookes were in Sydney for the Royal Easter Show. Georgie had been ill with a temperature in Dubbo at Easter. Doctors in Dubbo said she would recover shortly in 2-3 days and she picked up from this after a short period. At the show she said she was tired in the legs and Greg carried her. She then began to talk without making sense.Greg sought the help of the nearby St John's Ambulance volunteers. They soon were at the hospital at the show. Georgie was assessed with questions like "What is your name" etc. and did not do well with the answers. After 30 minutes of sleep, Georgie was also asked questions and again the response was not good.A decision was made to send her by ambulance to Concord, but Angela intervened and requested Westmead. They were a similar distance, so Westmead was the destination. Georgie spent 3 hours in the emergency department, where she was screaming and very sensitive to any touch and could not stand any touch or light.She was taken straight to the PICU and has been there since. They sedated her, did some scans, did a spinal tap, did blood samples for a week for screening. All tests have shown no trace of any pathogen.

It is now day 23 and still no answers and still bad seziures everytime they reduce her medication.