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Happy Fathers Day

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Our Girls

What can I say they are both growing up SO very fast.

Pip has 2 teeth, not that she would show me them, she discovered a new way of crawling last week and now this week thinks she I so good cause she can scream around with her walker, problem is she keeps running into the furniture which frustrates her. Last week she weighed in at 7.4kg, so she is pretty much on par with Caitie in the weight stakes but she is taller. Still in some 000 tops, 00 pants and 0 all in ones. Defiantly not a Size 1 yet and not for a long time.

Don't ask just bored and Nutragrain stick!!!!!

As for Caitie, she has hit the 13 kg mark and she is just a delight most of the time. We are having a little bit of jealously issues but nothing major. She now helps set the table for dinner and today learnt how to make her bed. She loves to dance, do cartwheels and play on her swings.

I am just so clever

Always to posser


Western Plains Zoo

We un-hooked the trailer and started driving around the Zoo.
I was still very unwell so spent most time in the car with Pip who was sleeping or quite happy to sit in her seat, while Andrew and Caitie went and saw the animals up close.

Caitie loved it, as did Andrew especially when he got to feed the giraffe.

The pictures speak for themselves really.

Isn't this just the most heart breaking photo you have every seen.

If you look really close you can see Pip's 2 bottom teeth just as they were cutting


NOSH 2007

Nyngan 2007 was a great time for all involved.

We had a good trip up on the Saturday and everyone travelled really well, Church on Sunday was good and then it was over to the School to set up.

Over the next 5 days we had an average of 30 - 40 kids. I was truley blessed as Uncle Marcus and Aunty Jella stayed till Thursday and looked after the girls for me each morning while the program was on, so I could help out and do the daily shopping.

We spent our afternoons getting ready for the next day, relaxing at Montgomery's, shooting guns, driving tractors, playing chess and riding on the back of the truck. We went to the Montgomery's neighbours sheep farm one day while they were 'de-balling' the sheep and cutting their tails off, lots of blood but very interesting. Another afternoon we headed out to Young's for a BBQ dinner. The kids got to ride the little pee wee motorbike, walk around the farm and help round up sheep. A few of us also got to go Roo shooting with Andy. I really enjoyed it again and it was better this time cause we got to see a lot more of what Andy's does and there were a lot more Roo's around this year. Andrew is still amazed that I find it interesting and can handle it, as it is rather gruesome. I was saying to Lizzie that it was very surreal, sitting in the truck with 15 headless Roo's hanging behind you and the tray covered in blood and it not seeming anything other than it was Andy's job.
On the Friday night we had out annual bush barbie, eating Roo and damper twisties with golden syrup. YUMMY

We were able to bring some Roo home with us to roast up (which we have done and unless you were told it was Roo, you would think it was lamb). When Andy was skinning them and slicing them up, he and Minnie were concerned about Caitie seeing it and being frightened. I said its all good as I doubted she will associate this with a live jumping Roo and as there was no blood. So Caitie came round the corner saw what they were doing and said 'Mum they have no heads!' then proceeded to run after the cats, not distressed or disturbed, anymore than normal that is....

The week wrapped up and we headed home Saturday with no problems.


Hey I'm Back

That's what it feels like since the last blog, I did end up getting sick, and we did go to Nyngan AGAIN, (I was so sick the whole time), we went to Western Plains Zoo and since then we have been flat out trying to get the flu out of our house and find 2 seconds to scratch ourselves. I can't believe that it is only a week till our baby turns 1, only 3 weeks till we are in QLD on holidays again and some where is there Dave & Dee's bub is born.

So much to do so little time.


Thomas's Birthday Party

On 3rd July, it was time to wrap the present, get dressed up and head to 'Donalds' for Thomas's 5th Birthday party.

The kids had a great time finding straws in the play ground, playing 'Pass the parcel', playing 'Ronald McDonald Says', eating happy meals and ice cream cake.

The funniest thing was that Thomas doesn't like loud noises so when everyone sang Happy Birthday and Hip Hip Hooray, he covered his ears as you can see.
While the kids had their fun, we sat around, ate food and had a nice time catching up with people that we have not had 5 minutes to chat with for a far to long time.
Pip also spent her time trying to make it out the door, but everytime she got with in reach someone would pick her up and bring her back to start again. But she didn't get tired of it.

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Day 13 & 14 ~ Batemans Bay

Saturday 2nd June, 2007

After setting up we walked into town to have some fresh fish & chips for lunch and wander around town and then headed back to the van for a quite afternoon and evening.

As much as we enjoyed this trip we were all ready to be home so wanted Sunday to come as soon as possible. Also this was a reasonably ordinary park that was full of traveling old people and had no playground.

Sunday 3rd June, 2007

We are heading home, we stopped for pies and donuts in Berry and a play in the park and arrived home mid afternoon.

This was a great holiday full of new experiences and beautiful places many of which we intend to visit again. Well there you go finally the holiday is over only took me what 2 months....

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Day 12 & 13 ~ Eden (Twofold Bay)

Thursday 1st June, 2007

This was a lovely little bay, when we arrived we had our pick of sites, which meant we could leave the car hooked up so there was no mucking around the next morning. We went for a walk on the beach, found lots of pretty shells and had a really relaxing afternoon. Dinner, baths and bed.

Friday 2nd June, 2007

The next morning we were up and getting ready to go when all of a sudden the car horn starts blasting, Andrew ran to turn the car off, but every time he turned it back on the horn was still blasting and it was only 7am. Eventually Andrew pulled the fuse and we got on the way.

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Day 11 & 12 ~ Sale

Wednesday 31st May, 2007

We arrived at "The Whites" just in time for Joy to pick up Abbey, eat some lunch and head back out to watch Abbey play her Violin, which she did really well. We then has some yummy afternoon tea and head back to the house.

Our good friend Scott was in Sale doing a conversion course before him and Tamara moved to Perth, so he came over and we spent the afternoon catching up while waiting for Gary to come home from work so we could all go out for dinner to celebrate Andrew & Abbey's birthday. We had a lovely night with yummy food and after saying good bye to Scotty it was home for bed.

Thursday 1st June, 2007

Up early as normal and off to Eden after saying good bye to the family.

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Day 10 & 11 ~ Phillip Island

Wednesday 30th May, 2007

Andrew had a great day, filled with a ferry ride, the experience of being almost blown off the cliff at the headland looking over Seal Rock, a visit to PHILLIP ISLAND race track with many photo ops, an amazing night watching 1000's of Fairy Penguins arriving in piles (according to Caitlyn) on the beach and then a yummy Italian dinner.

Thursday 31st May, 2007

After a VERY windy night outside the van, it was so bad that I was sure that the trees were going to come down on top of us the way they were bending. We packed up headed back to the mainland and to downtown Sale.

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Day 7, 8, 9 & 10 ~ Great Ocean Road

Sunday 27th May, 2007

After setting up, sorting washing, feeding the ducks and meeting the local Koala we had dinner and put the girls down. Then Andrew and I braved the freezing conditions and sat outside, reading and playing computer games just so we could have a night that we were not in bed at 7pm

Monday 28th May, 2007

We got on the road early and headed up the GOR heading to Warnanbal the weather was not the best for experiencing our amazing coastline till the best of its potential, however we ventured on. First stop was the 12 Apostles, it was cold, wet, windy, but we rugged up and went out to the spectacular coastline. After the usual tourist shots we jumped back in the warm dry car and headed to Port Campbell for lunch, I think this was most unmemorable stop of the trip, 3/4 of the town was closed and the only place we could get any food was processed fish and chips for $10!!!!! We then got back on the road and kept driving and driving and driving and driving. Not seeing much more than rain and car parks, to protect the coastline to see it you have to get out of the car and walk up to 5 minutes to see anything and in the rain with 2 kids it just was not worth it. It was 3:30pm when we finally got to Warnanbal, it had taken us over 6 hours to get there which meant it was going to take us at least that if not longer as it would be in the rain in the dark to get back to the van. So this decision was made and we found somewhere to stay, purchased PJ's for the girls, got KFC for dinner and had the BEST nights sleep in days. The room we got had a Queen bed, two single beds IN A SEPARATE room, shower, heating and TV. Ohh I love the experiences of camping but there is something to be said for modern comforts.

Tuesday 29th May, 2007

It stormed all night and so we headed out early to get back as soon as we could. We didn't even bother to stop and look at anything and we were back at the van by lunchtime alot quicker than the day before. However when we did arrive back, the stream that was a babbling brook flowing behind the van on the day we arrived was now a swollen muddy river. We spent the rest of the day just hanging around and getting ready to leave the next day.

This was one of my favorite signs that was all the way up and down the GOR. Do you think that they get alot of tourist on the road, scary!!!!

Wednesday 30th May, 2007


Off to Phillip Island