Well not the best birthday for Miss Philippa, she woke up very grumpy and not interested. Then once all the presents were over she started to throw up AGAIN!!!!! Poor Iggle Piggle was in the washing machine before his tags were off. She spent most of the day just lying around and only started to pick up in the afternoon and has been OK since.

I went over to Penrith while she was sleeping to buy the BIG (66cm) Pillow Toys and put them on the lounge beside her. When she woke up she sat up her eyes lit up and she climbed up with them and had a look of total amazement on her face, they all then got big kisses and cuddles. They have been a hit ever since as she has feed them, wrestled them and danced around the lounge room with them. They are just the right height for her and Caitie has enjoyed them too.

I'm attempting my cake making skills again for Mothers group on Monday and as the theme of the year as you can see by the gifts is "In the night Garden" so I'm making a Iggle Piggle and he is Blue and Red, just like last year..... I wonder what blue and red character we can find for next year!!!