Wednesday Girl

Thursday Girl

Well we could not be prouder of our Caitlyn. She went off to preschool this week with no hassles, no fears and most of all NO TEARS!!!

Wednesday we get ready and head out. She was a little put out that she was now a Butterfly and had to move into the butterfly room rather than a Caterpillar, but other than that all was good. We get there, she kind of clings a bit and and asks when will Tahlia be here? I said she will be here soon, who you like me to wait till she gets here? Yes! Then as I am signing her in she asks if she can go play? and she is gone.... For me to be able to tell her what locker is hers and that I am putting things in the car I have to find her in the sandpit or on the climbing gym with the other kids. Eventually I found her and told her that I had to go, (even though Tahlia was still not there) and she said ok mum bye. When we picked her up in the afternoon, I was told she did really well and other than when she spilled her water she did not cry, not even at rest time. What a girl!!!!

Thursday, this was the day I was worried about as it was her day without Tahlia. But on Sunday we had found out that Lauriann & Carig Cousins (who have just moved back into the area) little girl Harley was going Thursday, So Merrillie introduced them and I was reminding Caitie that Harley was going Thursday too. So we get there, there are hardly any kids and cause of the rain they are inside. Caitie says mummy can I go play, but them comes back and says they are all little kids. So we both head into her room and put her bag in the locker when she sees the table with the paper and scissors, so she is off. Miss Trudie brings in some more kids in her class and she starts talking to them. I say I'm going and she says ok, bye!!!! When I picked her up she was sitting with Hayley and said she had a good day.

We did have to be a little gentle with her that afternoon, as she was very tired and so a little emotional, especially when she could not find her cup to have a drink. But other than that she was great.

I should not put my fears on my kids and worry that they are going to have issues, as every time I do they prove me wrong and show me just how much they are growing up.

I know I am very blessed and love my bug dearly.

Now I just have to get through leaving Pip in 2 weeks, I'm excited and I know I will be a little like Aunty Merrillie on Wednesday too........ sniff sniff give me some tissues...