Caitie has always been afraid of the bike as it scared her, she does not like loud noises. Yesterday Andrew wanted to wash the Duc as it was very dusting having been sitting in the garage for months and as he is going for a ride on Saturday. Caitlyn wanted to help and she did a very good job at it.

Then Andrew needed to bring the bike back into the garage and so he started it up while Caitie was beside him and she bolted up to the front door, Andrew called her back and she let him put her up on the tank (Oh no not the tank!!!!) and then she let him ride the bike back into the garge with not much fuss other than she freaked that he was going to take her out on the road as he had to go onto the Beam driveway to get back into ours. She didn't cry, she didn't run and she also didn't smile for the camera.
Pip followed me out and when she saw Caitie on the bike she had her ams raised and saying "up, up, up" She has NO fear that one!!!!!