Well we are less than 24 hours away from meeting this new addition to the family and it is all starting to get a bit much....... Andrew & Caitie are doing fine, Andrew is focused on his last service for 3 weeks and Caitie is just driving me mad getting into everything that she knows she shouldn't be touching and then has the nerve to ask me "mummy what's wrong?" when I yell at her!!!!!!

I'm not coping quite so well.... I am really missing my mum and have been just putting it out of my mind but it has got to the crunch point that it is no longer possible. Also the nerves have started to really kick in and to be honest the last place I want to be this afternoon is over at the church on the computer, but atleast it will make what time is left go faster.... I just pray that I can sleep tonight, the last 2 nights I have had about 4 hours in total and if you have read my previous blog you will see that it was published about 1am this morning.

Anyway we have to be at Westmead at 7:30am, so going on what happened with Caitie then this bub should be born about 8:30 - 9am and God willing all is well and the bub is fine we should be a family of 4 back in my room by about 10:30 - 11am.

For those interested in visiting, Westmead are rather strict and it is only 11am - 12pm during the day and 6pm - 8pm at night and I am hoping to come home Friday morning after Swimming (that is Caitie & Andrew swimming.......)

Well I have left instructions for Andrew on how to blog and to add the photos....... But if he doesn't get round to it, I will be back on line as of Friday and will blog some then.

Can I ask that you keep us all in your thoughts over the next week, Caitlyn has never been away from me over night before and a week is a long time without "Mummy when I want her". Also for Andrew as he will be running back and forwards and has Caitie all to himself, also he usually sleeps through her crying at night. And for me as I cope with this new bub, the feelings about mum and missing Andrew and Caitie.