In regard to Parkinson Mk 2

Your Due Date Is Thursday, September 14, 2006

Your conception date was most likely Thursday, December 22, 2005

You are currently in Week 26 of your pregnancy & your baby is 24 weeks old.

Your Third Trimester will begin 15/06/2006
180 days down, 100 to go!

Your baby's birthstone will be Sapphire (Clear Thinking)

Your baby's Flower will be Aster or Morning Glory (Brown, Deep Blue)

Your baby will be born in the Chinese Year of The Dog

This time next year your baby will be 38 Weeks Old!


Your baby will start kindergarten in 2012, be old enough to drive a car in 2022, finish high school in 2025, and will graduate from Uni with the class of 2029, give or take a year.
And Caitie will be 25, Jo will be 54 & Andrew will be 62!!!
Now that is scary!