We had a wonderful night with family and very special friends who really are family too.

We were joined by Grandma Verlie, Aunty Michelle, Uncle Glen, PaPa, Aunty Barb, Uncle BJ, Aunty Kerryn, Annika, Imogen, Great Grandfather Les, Great Grandma Norma, Aunty Jan, Aunty Ky, Aunty Na, Uncle Marcus, Aunty Jella, Tristan, Lizzie and Her special man John.

We had a BBQ dinner (Thanks the Uncle Glen & Aunty Shell who helped Andrew cook it all), with Chicken Kebabs, Sausages and Skippy (Roo, thanks to Mongomery's in Nyngan). It was all very yummy and for the first time EVER I didn't over cater, had just enough.

After that it was into the CAKE!!!!! and do she get into it. She loved it and as you can see defiantly needed another bath once she was finish.

Of course where else does the plate go once it is empty, On your head!!!!

We all had a great night and then a long nights sleep. Thanks you to everyone that came and the lovey gifts you gave. Pip received a Wish card( a girl at any age can do with a little spending money!) a cool talking phone thing, mind you I already know all the settings and she knows which is the on button! a Teddy, a doll in a backpack and then some beautiful clothes. She was very spoilt but it was rightfully deserved. It is just so hard to take that my baby is 1 and not a baby anymore.