Maddie's Hi 5 Pizza Party
More Baby News
To Craig & Lauriann Cousins as they welcomed into the world a new baby boy at 4:26pm Wednesday 5th Sept.
Bryce Lachlan weighed in at a healthy 7 ld 2 oz and is a new brother for Hayley.
I can still remember going and seeing the ORIGINAL Hairspray movie with Mel & Karen back in 1988. Back when the Richmond Regent only had 1 theatre. There was Mel, Karen and Me and the guy that collects the tickets!!!!!!
It had Ricki Lake playing the lead role and was a enjoyable movie. Take a look and see if you think it would be better than seeing John Travolta in a fat costume and a dress.
Pip's Teletubbie Party
Of course where else does the plate go once it is empty, On your head!!!!
We all had a great night and then a long nights sleep. Thanks you to everyone that came and the lovey gifts you gave. Pip received a Wish card( a girl at any age can do with a little spending money!) a cool talking phone thing, mind you I already know all the settings and she knows which is the on button! a Teddy, a doll in a backpack and then some beautiful clothes. She was very spoilt but it was rightfully deserved. It is just so hard to take that my baby is 1 and not a baby anymore.
Special Friends & Kids
Pip is very lucky as she now shares her birthday with Mia Kimberly Vloedman. Newly born (11:56 to be exact) daughter of Brad & Karen (Jarman). She was 6 lb 15 oz. And after a labour of only 5 hours Karen and Mia were doing great, so was Brad, of course.
It is really special and a little strange but the 3 best friends that I had through my high school, years we all have had baby's with in days of each other, just years apart.
2nd there is Me with Pip on the 4th Sept, 2006
Pip Turns 1
Well after a really long nights sleep (14 hours) Pip woke up happy, surprise surprise!
She had some cuddles and then it was time for breakfast, you don't mess with her and her food. So after the important things were done it was time for presents.
While Pip slept Andrew mowed and Caitie and I raked up the sticks out the front and cleaned up the verandah. Pip woke for lunch at 12:30pm, played some more and then was back in bed at 2pm. (what a life hey!) She was up again at 3:30pm and as we put the finishing touches on the house and dinner she played again.
Then it was time for 1st dinner and a bath before the party began.
The Cake
I was feeling like a terrible mother yesterday as for Caitlyn's 1st birthday I did a 3d Winnie the Pooh head cake, as you cake see !!!As for Pip I still didn't know if I was going to make a round cake with the plastic happy birthday on it or go and buy one from the shop. I mentioned this to Andrew and he said why don't you do a Teletubbie (Pip's favorite), and so my imagination started and I could never have imagined how absolutely FANTASTIC it would turn out.
So I bought sponge slabs from Coles, 4 tubs of Betty Crockers Vanilla Frosting (The BEST ever) used half a bottle of Pillar box red food colouring and set to it!I got Andrew to enlarge a picture of Po that I had found on the internet and cut him out, layed out the cakes and cut around Po.
Then I cut out the face, the ball and the photo of Pip that I had used for her invites as the picture on Po's tele tummy. Then started slapping on the frosting.
And like how great does it look, if I do say so!!!!
The only problem with using so much food colouring...........
And so begins the party week
Fathers Day 2007