I wonder when I will be able to stop these entries!!!!

Well today she started to cry be for we even left the house, Andrew had told her that he would come with us to drop her off. Well she had even him on the verge of crying in the end.
She just went hysterical and was sobbing. She was absolutely terrified and Andrew has always old her that if she was frightened that Daddy would be there, and he had to just turn his back on her.....

She did calm down eventually and had a good day of painting, playing in the water and lots of stories. One of the carers did call at 10am just to let us know that she was doing ok, which was nice. They moved her up to the 3 -4 room so she is with older kids that are more settled and there is more girls her age, so hopefully that will help. We are going to really work on the toilet training and see what happens. She did go to mothers group on Monday in undies and didn't have an accident so here is hoping. I am hoping that now she is in the bigger room and sees all the kids going to the toilet while she has to be taken into the little room for a nappy change will help too..