Well on Sunday morning the much loved and affectionately named "Dubbie" the dummy disappeared. We have been telling her for about a month now that once she turns 3 she had to throw him out, but it looks like it has happened without our help.

Caitlyn got up later than normal and was playing with Pip while I got ready for Church. I got her ready and we headed off to Church. We came came home, had lunch and it was time for Caitlyn to have her afternoon nap but where is 'dubbie'????? Andrew and I searched the entire house 3 times over with no success. It was at this point that I burst into tears and said "I am not in the frame of mind to deal with no 'dubbie' tonight", this was due to Miss Philippa not sleeping too well of late...... But it was my fantastic husband to the rescue, he sent me to bed and took the girls to the park so I could get a few winks to at least function.

We spent the rest of the afternoon and evening explaining to Caitlyn that 'dubbie' was gone and that she would have to sleep with out him. After a LOT of prayer, (by many people thank you ) she headed off to bed, had 2 stories, 3 songs, a cuddle with mummy and within 5 minutes she was asleep and did not wake up till 7:45am the next morning (usually a 6am riser) She woke up so HAPPY which was wonderful!!!!

It was actually a great night, I woke up energize and recharged as Pip only woke at 2:45am and 5:45am, which was an huge improvement from 10:30pm, 1am, 3am, 5am, 6am the night before.

Well we are almost a week without 'dubbie' and she asks frequently for her 'dubbie', but we just tell her that 'remember he is gone, he got lost' to which she replies 'can I look for him' but never does.....