Well December has been a rather long, stressful and tiring month. Not only did we have all the usual busyness of the different things finishing and catch up with everyone before Christmas but both the girls got tonsillitis and Andrew was really unwell again. So by the end of the 2nd week of playing Dr to my darlings I was over them all and if I could have, I would have disappeared however this was not possible and so we did get through it all and are much better now. However Caitie has started complaining of a sore ear again tonight and went to bed at 4:30pm so that is not a good sign!!!!
Anyway Christmas.
We had our traditional Christmas eve of clean up and get ready for the following day (set the table and get food ready etc), put the kids to bed and eat finger food, while sipping Champagne. Very nice tradition that we started when we first got married.

Christmas morning I was up at 5:15am (not quite sure why as had to wake the rest of the house at 6:30am), breakfast is 7am you see. Anyway up we got and started cooking Grandma Verlie arrived and a little late Dad & Barb arrived but we still enjoyed a yummy breakfast of bacon, sausages, eggs, croissants, toast and juice. Then it was time for presents.

Next year remind me that wrapping is a waste of time as i unwrap every present that I had wrapped for Pip and then some. The girls were very spoilt as we both Andrew and I. Caitie got her first Big Girl Bike, Pip got her first dolly and a pram, Andrew got a Summer Bike Jacket and a really great Ducati jacket and I got an ipod.
It was then time for Andrew to head over to the church and for us to all get dressed properly, hair done, face on and out the door in time for Church. It was a great service, the church was packed and a nice chance to catch up with so many friends and old faces.
Then home for lunch with Jo & Steve, a family from the church and then an afternoon of bike riding and relaxing.

At 4:30pm we headed down to BJ & Kerryns for the 'Camp family' dinner, actually it isn't really the 'Camp' family as this is when we catch up with The Alexanders, The Robsons and The Bevans (mum's side of the family). Anyway we had a really lovely evening catching up with everyone as it was last Christmas that we saw Greg & Lorraine. Dad & Barb were not there this year as they had left for their holidays up north after the mornings service. The girls played on the bikes and enjoyed their time with their cousins and at 9pm when we started the present giving nightmare, all the girls had hit the fan and there were cries and sobs coming from all directions. We headed home not to much after that and the girls were both asleep by the time we hit Windsor Road.

On Boxing day we had the 'Parkinson' family Christmas as with Dad being away and having had his birthday on the 23rd we were free to catch up with Glen & Michelle and Verlie for lunch. After that we headed over to the church to Skype Dave & Dee and had a chat with them while Teghan threw up on camera.
It was really and nice couple of days and we loved visiting with family and watching the faces on our fast growing up girls as they enjoyed their days and all the presents and chocolate.....
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