Praise God!!!
We had our meeting yesterday and it was the blessing that we had all been praying for.
We have a membership of 120, we had 4 members overseas or in the middle of Australia, so 115 that could vote, we had 1 invalid vote, 4 No votes, 12 proxy Yes votes and 97 present Yes votes, that was 109 YES votes, which means there was only 2 people that did not vote !!!!
Apparently this is so unheard of, our lawyer told Noel that we are a rarity (to pass a property or Leadership vote we need 75% of total Membership) this is so hard to get, that most churches have changed their constitution to not need such a high percentage. But that didn't matter yesterday as we had a 95% vote. Well done people for stepping up and taking interest in such an important event.
It was such a relief and now the place is just buzzing with excitement for the future and for the first time in 7 long years we can say yes we can look at doing that cause we are STAYING!!!!!!!!
The only sad thing about it was that Mum wasn't here to see it, but I know she has been watching over all of this from above, on her cloud with her angel wings (according to Caitlyn).
A BIG thanks to all our family and friends that have loved and prayed for us over this time. With out that support we would never have been able to survive.
Love you all, you are all very special people.
Under Spiritual Attack!!!!!
Please excuse this interlude to our holiday blog, however I felt this was a little more important than the other right now.
We would greatly appreciate your prayers at the time, on Sunday at 11am we are having a special Church meeting to finally vote on selling part of the church property, which will get us debt free, for the first time in 7 long years...... This been a rather stressful time over the few weeks. In previous meetings leading up to this vote things have gotten rather messy and nasty and we so just don't want that on Sunday. There have been many meetings behind the scenes to alleviate this, but until the 11th hour we will not know what is going to happen. As you can imagine this as made life very stressful for both us and the Edwardes, and this is where you come in if you could please pray for Noel and Anne and Andrew and I, but especially for the guys as ultimately their jobs and lively hood hinge on Sundays decision.
But this is not where it ends, actually this is where it starts, you see yesterday Andrew was picking up his mum to take her to the nursing home to feed Nana as David & Dee are down and had her car, when the power steering went on him. He limped it to our Mechanics (Our Car Dr as Caitie calls them) and rang for Noel to pick him up. We all thought it was just want had happened last time and it would be just a case of putting the belt back on and tightening a screw!!!! We were sadly mistaken. Step rang and said "Jo i have some bad news, Yes the pulley fell off cause the nut has fallen off (a common problem with our model apparently!) but the nut that holds the crank shaft has shawn off and the other piece is inside the bottom of the motor" Ah Ha says Jo and that means what? "Well we have to pull the entire engine out and strip it down" and cause it has done over 200000 and is leaking oil and the lifters have needed doing for a long time, bottom line is the engine needs to be reconditioned!!! So what are we looking at to do this asked Jo? about $6,500!!!!!!!!!!!!! AND EVERYTHING AFTER THAT IS A BLUR REALLY.
I just laughed, and Steph said " I'm glad your laughing" I said it is that or cry (that I did later)... So the up shot of all of this is, that they are reconditioning the engine and it is going to cost $6,500 and we won't have a car for 2 weeks. This is where our other problem appears as in 2 weeks on the 7th July to be exact we are leaving for Nyngan and were to be taking the van!!!!!
Praise God that this happened now, 5 kms for the mechanic and not 2 weeks ago on the Great Ocean Road with the van or half way to Nyngan
Andrew said to me last night, Do you think we are finally do the right thing in regard to the Church and Satan is trying his utmost to interfere, both with the congregation and with us personally, my response was, yeah well I can see that and deal with it, but did it have to be so flopping expensive!!!
So please pray for the following:-
For Noel as he chairs the meeting.
For Andrew that he keeps his cool and behaves in the meeting.
For each and every member at the meeting.
That the meeting will be holy and full of God' s grace.
That we get the car back before the 7th.
That we can arrange some other transport if it doesn't.
That we can find some more accommodation in Nyngan to alleviate taking the van.
For the team as they prepare for Nyngan (Us 4, Kimberly, Heather, Lizzie, John, Anthony, Adam & Sarah).
And praise God for our wonderful friends Marcus and Majella, without them since Mum's death, I know Andrew and I would not have been able to survive, they love our girls and are willing to take them anytime, they love us and do anything for us and most of all they have lost of cars, so every time we need a car, all it takes is a phone call and it is here that afternoon. We are so truly blessed by this family and we love them dearly as did Mum.
Day 2, 3 & 4 ~ Echuca
Tuesday 22nd May, 2007
Happy 32nd Birthday to Me!!!! I received 2 new books from my girls, one of which was finished by Wye River (now that's a holiday!!) and from my wonderful, thoughtful Husband I received my Motorbike Learners Course and if you have read the previous blog then you know I did it, I survived and I passed, Woo Hoo).
Pip's sleeping habits were starting to change and she seemed to be waking more frequently than normal and would only go back to sleep with a feed.
Wednesday 23rd May, 2007
Thursday 24th May, 2007
We hooked up early Thursday morning and headed to Ballarat. Did you know that it is still dark till 7:30am, which is a problem when you are in a caravan and your children are up and 6am!!! you spend your entire morning saying SHHHHHH to Caitlyn and shoving either food or a dummy in the Pip's mouth.
Day 1 & 2 ~ Wagga Wagga
Even with all our best intentions we did not get on the road until after 10am. It was a good, yet long uneventful drive. The girls travelled well. We didn't stop at the Dog at the Tucker Box as Caitie has just gone to sleep and it was on the right hand side of the road, so we just kept driving.
We were a little concerned about our gas and fuel consumption as we had a roaring head wind for 90% on the trip that used 1 tank of gas and 2 tanks of fuel.
All Italian Motorshow
This is the New Ducati 2007 1098S Tri Colore Very Nice!!!!! But lethal weapon - see specs below
Look I'm Crawling!!!!!!
We're Back!!!!!
We all survived, got back in one piece and had a great time.