Firstly, I would like to apologise to those from Tamworth Baptist Church that were offended by my last blog where I am quoted in saying that their church was a "step back in time". It was not my intention to offend..... SORRY.

Now on with the story!

On Saturday 17th March we packed up the cars and headed to Tamworth. There was Linsday & Vanessa, Josh & Kaylene, Scuba, Cook, Nath, Dave, Phil and the Parkos. We left a little late due to my alarm not going off, but eventually we got on the road and after a stop in Singleton for Mc'Donalds we arrived in Tamworth at lunchtime and on schedule. We then unloaded everything, set up and then had a yummy lunch provided by Tamara. It was time to get ready for the Tamworth people to arrive. From all accounts the training went well and we have had a lot of positive feed back from those there on the day and then in speaking to their Pastor since.

When lunch was over I took the girls and we headed into town to do some shopping and then back to the van Ginkel's to unloaded our stuff and set up the girls beds, as after the training and a quick sound check for the morning we would be going out for dinner and so I wanted the porta cot and Caitie's bed set up ready for when we got home.

Caitie decided that she would use this time away to toilet train, so we had a 5 hour car trip with 1 stop where she did wee's on the toilet and still a dry nappy by the end of the day. Her big accomplishment for the day was doing wee's and poo's on Uncle Scott and Aunty Mara's toilet. Problem was as far as she was concerned she had to tell them about it when we got back to the church..... Poor Uncle Scott, its bad enough when she calls Andrew when he is at work and yells down the phone "Daddy, did poos on the toilet".
We all headed out to dinner that night and it was great, lovely to just sit, debrief the day and catch up with friends over a yummy meal. Then it was back to Motel van Ginkel for even yummier dessert and bed. Andrew, I and the girls were in the Big room, us in the bed, Pip in the cot and Caitie on her lounge on the floor. Then Josh and Kaylene were in the other room in the king single, it is always fun getting use to sleeping in the same bed as someone else when you have only been married just over a month, but put them in a king single and then the fun begins, poor Josh he was beaten up all night!!!!! The boys where then out in the lounge room on the sofa bed, lounge and the floor, they put Cook in the office as he snores (thing is he got the better deal as his floor was carpeted and not cold tiles). Lindsay & Vanessa stayed with another couple in the church.
Sunday morning saw everyone up and off to Church early. The worship went well and the team felt very welcome by young and old. After packing everything up we headed back to van Ginkel's for a yummy lasagna and salad lunch and then Josh, Kayles and the boys headed home and we stayed for Andrew to preach at the evening service. Pip and I had a sleep, Andrew took Caitie for a drive to put her to sleep and Scott tried to do some more study for his assesment on Monday and according to Vanessa she was still back at the church waiting for Lindsay to finish with the sound guys....
Church Sunday night went well and then we headed off early the next morning for our few days off..... (that's another blog).
Thanks to the team for their willingness to serve, thanks to Tamworth for their willingness to listen and thanks to Scott and Tamara for their unending hospitality.