Weddingember - #1

How bad do I feel!!!!
Last Thursday morning I was busy cleaning the van for it to be used by Phil & Jen on the weekend and Caitie was helping me when she fell out of the van door and hit her back on the step and her head on the step behind her. She cried a little, I cuddled her and she was all good, and went back to helping me clean and didn't mention it again.
On Saturday when I was braiding her hair to go out I noticed that she had slashed her head open and it had caused a bump too..... How bad did I feel that she had hurt her head so bad and didn't realise and she never said anything.....
Cooking Lessons
I have decided that I wanted to start teaching Caitlyn to cook and to spend some one on one Mummy and Caitlyn time. So on Wednesday's mornings, we cook muffins for the Ladies Thursday Bible study as we are not allowed to have them in the house as it isn't on our diet, even though they are "fat free" hehehe, and Andrew does eat at least 2 or 3!!!!!
Caitlyn puts everything in the bowl, I mix it a little, then she mixes it and I finish it up, I put it into the muffin tins and while I put them in the oven Caitie licks the spoon, the bowl and her hands, as you do and as you can see!.
Once they are cooked and cooled, Caitlyn hands each mini muffin to me and I put frosting, icing or 100's & 1000's on them in varying colours. They are much appreciated by the ladies and very very yummy.
It was quite funny the first time we did this and she took the muffins into creche, Debbie the sitter asked her if it the muffins were for her birthday and she said yes, so they sang her Happy Birthday before they ate the muffins.
Gingerbread Houses
This afternoon the girls and I went to Aunty Merra's and did our Gingerbread house.
We had a great time, Pip was either sleeping or with Aunty Tarissa while Caitie and I did our house. I constructed the house and put icing on for Caitie to decorate.
Caitie did all the decorating and she did such a great job too (as you can see).
We are both very proud of our house and after a swim to cool down with Uncle Linc and Tahlia we headed home. All Caitie wanted to do all the way home was eat her house, so I can tell you now it won't last till Christmas.
Sleepy Girl
It is only my kids that would sleep like this.......
Oh Mum, I'm sorry I just can't stay awake!!!
Girls Update
Weight:- 12.2 kg
Height:- 90 cm
Talking not stop and mimics EVERYTHING we do and say, so we have to be SOOO careful. Is now putting herself to bed for her afternoon nap, all you need to say is that it is time for a sleep and she is off down the hall way into her room, closes her door and hops into bed. If you dare gone it to check on her you are greeted with "I'm sleeping, go away!"
Weight :- 5.2 kg
Height :- 58 cm
Head:- 38 cm
She is feeding pretty much 4 hourly now rather than 3 hourly. She is going to bed at 6:30-7pm at night and is waking at 1 - 2am and then 5 - 6am, which is lovely. She still does have those nights when she is hungry and feeds every 2 hours but that is about 1 in 7, so that's bearable. She is making eye contact, smiling, laughing and talking which is just lovely as she is interacting with Andrew and Caitie too. I am also taking her tonight for her 1st lot of injections......, where has that time gone????
Tahlia's 3rd & Kalista's 1st Birthday Party
On Saturday the 11th November, we put on our Hawaiian skirts and headed to Oasis Kaden, where lots of lollies, games and water fun awaited us.
It was SO hot that even Pip got her swimmers on and after a refreshing dip of the legs, she was out for the count. It was a nice afternoon and Caitie is still eating the lollies, however I think with a limit of 2 a day she will still be eating lollies at Christmas........
Family Photos
Annika turns 2
We had a nice day on Saturday 4th November at Annika's 2nd Birthday morning tea, it was a pity that the rain stopped the girls playing in the new back yard, but they had plenty of toys to play with in side and lots of yummy party food.
Day with the Hibbards & Hoods
We had a nice morning of catching up with Graham, Paula and the boys on the monday after the ordination service and then we headed over to Alan and Vicky's for lunch and a relaxing afternoon.
I do think my girls were slightly overwhelmed and over tired by the end of the weekend as Caitie went to sleep in the car on the way home at 3:30pm, Andrew put her to bed and she slept through the afternoon, through dinner and disturbed at 10:30pm to have her Pj's put on and then I climbed into bed with her till Pip at called and then I headed back to my bed and she got up at 6:30am the next morning. The first thing she said to me was "Mummy, I want some thing to eat!"
Pip did pretty much the same, I feed her in her sleep at 7pm and 10pm and then at 1am, 4am and 8am.
Thanks from Rev. Parko
This is Andrews thank you letter that was put in the Bulliten :-
I want to express my thanks to the many people who have helped me in my journey to this point. From the moment I became a Christian at age 13 God has placed mentors in my life, usually men, who modelled faith, encouraged and taught me. Among those were Pete Davies, Mark Davies, Colin Phillips, Sid Grindley and Noel Edwardes. I would also like to thank two of my closest friends and prayer partners of many years, Graham and Alan whose prayers, advice and chocolate got me through many a trial. The people of this Church have been a constant source of support and encouragement and people like Lionel Walters and Morris Bell have been an invaluable source of affirmation. To the parents who entrusted me with the care of their kids, thank you for your trust and I just want to say that it is not hard to love your kids when they are so fantastic. To the young people themselves, you are awesome and It has been a privilege to be a part of your spiritual journey and I thank God that I know you will be in heaven with me and our Lord. To my greatest supporter, my wife Jo, who believed in me even when I doubted myself, who sacrificed so much for me and continues to compliment my ministry in many and varied practical ways, THANK YOU. You make my ministry possible and you make my life complete. You are the greatest wife and mother I know and I know, without a shadow of a doubt that your mother would have been proud of both of us.
Rev. Parko
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Thanks to our Family and friends that traveled from near and far to share this day with us.
Verlie, Michelle, Glen, Kevin, Bonnie, John, Barb, Bevan, Kerryn, Aunty Jan, Kylie, Naomi, Pete, June, Mark, Warren, Penny, Alan, Vicky, Scott, Tamara and The Hibbards all the way from Switzerland, with out you all this day would not have been as special.
"Aunty Paula & Her God Daughter Caitlyn"
Windsor District Baptist Church, thank you so much for loving us through all of this and allowing us to be part of your lives and minister to you all. You are all very special and Andrew thanks God daily for the opportunity to be your Pastor and love your kids.
Thank you to the Catering Ladies for a yummy lunch and your hearts of servanthood. You truly have the gift of hospitality and you will slave in that kitchen when ever it is asked. Thank you for loving us all through your food.
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Thanks to Rev. Alan "Hoody" Hood for a great sermon that was so inspiring and so appropriate for our church at this time. You are truly awesome .
Thanks to Rev. Noel Edwardes for all your love and support of us through out this journey and for being the one to ordain Andrew. You were the most appropriate person to do this as you have had so much influence on Andrew and he thinks very highly of you. He values your thoughts and opinions and feels very lucky to be in the position of work with you as a team.
Thanks to Rev. Pete Davies for being our Union repesentive. It was God's doing that you were the person to give Andrew his certificate, as you have been there from the beginning of his journey and are such a great mentor and confidant still today.
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Sunday 5th November, will be a day to remember. We had the BEST day! The service was FANTASTIC filled with great music, kind words from so many special friends and a great lunch to follow.
Thanks to :-
Steve Gray for leading and playing Guitar
Phil Jones and Nathan Walters for playing Guitar
Dave Pathuis for playing the Base
Daniel Cook for playing the Drums
Kaylene deRooy for playing the Piano, Singing and Praying
Lauren Azzopardi and Rachel Pathuis for Singing
The Worship was so great, the songs were perfect and you guys ROCKED!!! and looked sexy in your good clothes too!!!