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Three and a Half Weeks on......

Well things are still slowly getting back to normal.....
Pip is having good nights and bad nights, but sleeps great during the day and is feeding really well. I have had to give up the Diet coke as it was giving her bad colic, the things we do for our kids....
Caitie is getting better and just adores her little sister and is always telling us that "she loves her sister", it is so cute and is interesting how she understands that saying that she "loves" someone means something special.
I finding I'm starting to feel very house bound and I still have 2 more weeks of not driving to go. It has got to the point that the loungeroom is immaculate, the kitchen is clean, dishwasher is empty, the washing is done and put away and I even got stuck into my office/garage this week. Andrew thinks it is great and about time, as towards the end of my pregnancy I could not be bothered doing anything except sitting on the lounge and watching mindless TV, mind you I wasn't sleeping and kind of had a good reason to do nothing.... I know it is good that I am attacking the house and in the coming weeks I will really appreciate it, but at the moment it is so frustrating as the only reason I'm doing it is, cause I'm too restless to just sit on the lounge everyday. The other frustrating thing is that I am sure Caitlyn and Andrew have no appreciation for my tidy house and take every chance they get to leave their things EVERYWHERE!!!! Ok....maybe not, but it sure feels like it sometimes... I now understand why Mum use to get so frustrated with us, when she had spent all day cleaning the house and we would get home and dump things everywhere.
"Just taking Pip for a walk Mum, we will be back soon"

"I Love My Sister"

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Pip Update

Well we are slowly starting to get into some kind of routine. Pip still has her days and nights confused and was awake for her 1am feed last night and then was awake every 1/2 hour or so and at 4am Andrew took over and then she was awake for another feed at 5am.. As you can imagine Andrew and I are walking around with our eyes hanging out!!!

We had our first home Community Nurse visit yesterday and Pip is back to her birth weight in 2 weeks, so she is getting a good feed and putting on great weight. Definitely different from Caitie.

The girls are so similar but are also so different. They are opposite in personality already. Caitie was so placid, slept and ate, Pip is just a grump. Caitie has even started asking her "what's your problem" as she has heard me doing it, it is very cute.

Caitie has really settled down, we are still having some behavior problems but i think that is just the age not cause of Pip. Over all she is a great helper and loves her little sister. We have Pip feed, bathed and in bed by 5pm so I can get dinner ready and then it is special Caitie time until bed at 7pm, which is nice, lots of flash cards, puzzles, stories and cuddles.

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Almost "Reverend Andrew Parkinson"

Well another formality down and only the 5th November to go before we will be know as Rev Parkinson and Family......

It was a great night, Andrew spoke on behalf of those going for accreditation which he did really well and made us all SOOOOO very proud.

Thanks to Aunty Merra who took a rather over tired and crying Philippa so I could sit with Caitlyn and watch the accreditation Service part of the night. Of course after 10 days of being in this world Pip chose last night to discover her voice.

A special thanks to all from Windsor that came down to support Andrew and cheered as he was presented, this meant so much to both of us, especially to Andrew. I know he was getting a bit discouraged as the day went on, with each new text message that someone else couldn't make it. But those who did make it covered all aspects of Andrew's Ministry and were all people that mean a lot to us and made us feel very special and loved. Thank you.

As I was videoing there are not any photos....., but we are hoping to get a copy of the professional ones that were taken.

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Caitlyn 1 day old

Philippa 1 day old

Me & My Sister (13/09/2006)

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Home Sweet Home

My First Bath

We got home on Friday after a very long and tiring week for all of us!!!!

Jo:- I didn't realize how much Andrew did when he stayed for the week when Caitie was born, just getting up to go to the toilet or to get Pip to feed her put a lot of strain on my body and so it is taking longer for the initial ouch factor to lessen. Also it wasn't until Thursday afternoon that they moved me to a bigger room with a double bed which is so much more comfortable so I was able to get a reasonable nights sleep. It was interesting how things change when it is your second baby...... I think I saw Kumara and Ginsberg (Pediatrician) more than I saw the nurses, as for a midwife or lactating specialist.... What are they?????? Also in hospital Pip was not the best feeder hence she cracked me, causing more pain, but since getting home it is all good and she is feeding really well, the nipple has healed and the "toe curling" pain is subsiding.

Andrew:- A week of being a single parent and driving 45 minutes each way atleast once if not twice a day to the hospital really took its toll on his emotional state and by the time we got home he was physically exhausted. But since we have been home he has been able to get better nights sleep and is making himself, clean up, go to the gym and is currently mowing the very long grass.

Caitie:- Where has our happy, friendly, gentle, well behaved child gone!!!!!! She is having good and bad days but she is constantly pushing Andrew and mine patience, which is rather limited at this point. She loves her sister and is constantly wanting to see her and kiss her and tells everyone that "this is my sister".

Pip:- She is feeding 3 hourly, sleeping great during the day, but has started waking for her 11pm feed and is still wide awake when her next feed is due. But I think we have found the answer today she does not like being wrapped, she wants her arms free and then will sleep for hours, so we are going to see what happens tonight. It is interesting cause Caitie was wrapped until she was 12 months and then went into sleeping bags as she was not a covers girl and just would not settle unless she was wrapped tight.

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Introducing Philippa Jade Parkinson

Philippa Jade Parkinson

Born @ 9.17 am

Monday 4th September 2006

Weight: 3525 g ~ 7pd 12oz

Length: 52 cm ~ Head: 34cm

Caitlyn came to the hospital with us and got a special hat to wear too!!

The happy family

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It's the final countdown!!!!!

Well we are less than 24 hours away from meeting this new addition to the family and it is all starting to get a bit much....... Andrew & Caitie are doing fine, Andrew is focused on his last service for 3 weeks and Caitie is just driving me mad getting into everything that she knows she shouldn't be touching and then has the nerve to ask me "mummy what's wrong?" when I yell at her!!!!!!

I'm not coping quite so well.... I am really missing my mum and have been just putting it out of my mind but it has got to the crunch point that it is no longer possible. Also the nerves have started to really kick in and to be honest the last place I want to be this afternoon is over at the church on the computer, but atleast it will make what time is left go faster.... I just pray that I can sleep tonight, the last 2 nights I have had about 4 hours in total and if you have read my previous blog you will see that it was published about 1am this morning.

Anyway we have to be at Westmead at 7:30am, so going on what happened with Caitie then this bub should be born about 8:30 - 9am and God willing all is well and the bub is fine we should be a family of 4 back in my room by about 10:30 - 11am.

For those interested in visiting, Westmead are rather strict and it is only 11am - 12pm during the day and 6pm - 8pm at night and I am hoping to come home Friday morning after Swimming (that is Caitie & Andrew swimming.......)

Well I have left instructions for Andrew on how to blog and to add the photos....... But if he doesn't get round to it, I will be back on line as of Friday and will blog some then.

Can I ask that you keep us all in your thoughts over the next week, Caitlyn has never been away from me over night before and a week is a long time without "Mummy when I want her". Also for Andrew as he will be running back and forwards and has Caitie all to himself, also he usually sleeps through her crying at night. And for me as I cope with this new bub, the feelings about mum and missing Andrew and Caitie.

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Caities Last Days as a only child

We started our day just relaxing around the house, watching TV and having cuddles with Daddy.

Did a bit of last minute house work and headed out to do last minute grocery shopping. Then off to the pool for a fun time of jumping and swimming and sliding.