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What a spunk!

As you can see it has been rather cold down here recently.

It is really interesting how quickly this baby girl of ours is growing up, she says her own grace, sings all the songs she knows CONSTANTLY in the car problem is the Bar Bar Black sheep end up on the bus with the babies going wah wah wah while the stars twinkle in the sky....

Also our latest is "what you doin mum?" then "what you doin dad?" then "what you doin Caitie?" and we are quickly learning that you have to watch what you say now.... "What you doing LAZ?" is also a favorite.

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This scares me!!!!!

Here is a comparison between Caitie and the bub, problem is that this is Caitie at 38 weeks and the bub at 33 weeks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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The last 10 weeks!!!

Well we are official on the last 10 week count down. As of yesterday I was 31 weeks with 9 to go!!! I had a check up with Kumara on Tuesday and the bub has turned head down (at 26 it was bum down, as was Caitie at that point and never turned), so that was a surprise. We took that opportunity to talk to Kumara about the delivery. He said that the best option for the bub was a caesar and the best option for me recovery time and all is natural, but who is to say that if I did go natural that I wouldn't need stitches anyway or get an infection ect..... I know what a caesar means and I don't think that I could mentally cope with natural with the risk to the baby always in the back of my mind. So we have decided that it will be a caesar and in 3 weeks will find out the date. We are hoping it will be the 4th rather than the 11th as Andrew has his accreditation dinner on the 14th, which I would really like to be at and Baptist Youth Ministries commitments on the 15th, which would mean I get home from hospital on Friday and he is out all night Friday night. But we also know that we can't order the delivery of the baby to fit in with our schedule. But there is no harm in asking or praying!!!!!!

All other things are going well, I feel a lot heavier this time, but I think that is cause instead of the bub taking its weight on its butt, I am carrying it. My weight is doing really well like last time so hopefully once the bub is here I can keep it off this time.

We have all had the flu over the last few weeks and it is taking its toll on Andrew, as since he was sick with CMV he does not recover well from sickness and get tired so easily. I would really value your prayers for this and I find some days I am struggling with Caitie and want him to give me some time out and he just wants to come home and switch off, which is not possible when you are needed to watch a 2 1/2 year old. I am also concerned that things are only getting more hectic from here on in. July is almost over, August has a few spare weekends, September is the bub, October is slightly quieter at this stage, November is TOTALLY booked now with 3 weddings and big boys toys then it is December and Noel is on 6 weeks long service leave!!!! I know we can do it but it is going to be hard.

Also as of the 30th June, 2006 we are now a 1 income family, Dad has decided to go and work for someone else, which means we are winding up the business as such and that means no more wages. This was not a quick or easy decision, but the work is just not out there now to support 2 wages and business expenses. And the government is making it harder to do what we do and charge. So I am unemployed!!! for the first time since leaving school.

@ 32 1/2 weeks