Baby Parkinson MK 2
Baby Parkinson MK 2 has a body, head, 2 arms, 2 legs and all the neccesary inside bits and the cutest little butt as it showed off at every chance!!!!!
The Ultrasound Lady had done everything she had to do except seen the heart and every time she tried to look the baby would roll over and stick its bum in the air (it is already a Parkinson), so I had to go for a walk and that didn't work so then she sent me off to have something to eat and drink, which worked when I went back in we still got mooned and then it rolled over and just layed there for her to do what she needed to do.
It was so reasuring to see that all was well and everything was were and doing what should have been. I have been stressing a bit over this one as I was 19 weeks and still had no kicks (the placenta is at the front like Caitlyn which I suspected, and I didn't feel her till 20 weeks). Also we have had a few friends have miscarrages or babies born with problems lately which have just scared me a bit. But I can relax now and enjoy. The sickness is pretty much gone, my energy is back (except to clean the kitchen, I really hate that at the moment!). Caitlyn is sleeping 12 hours straight at night now, so all we need is the dogs to do the same.
~ Chocolate ~ Chocolate ~ Chocolate ~

Royal Easter Show 2006
We started our Saturday with McDonalds for breakfast and then a fun train ride to Olympic Park with Uncle Dave & Aunty Dee at 9am. Once at the show with the "REST of SYDNEY" we headed to the Animal Walk that took us trough all the pavilions, especially the animals. Caitie got to pat a 2 day old chick, pat a sheep, say hello to a calf, a very large pig, a goat and some puppies. After this it was time to sit for a while, eat an ice cream and watch the Grand parade in the main arena. We thought about a pony ride but for $6 and we could guarantee that Caitlyn would chuck a wobbly and not get on we decided maybe another time. Caitlyn got her first show bags "Nemo", Banana's In PJ's and a Fairy Bag, which she has had much fun with since getting home. It was a very long and tiring day and after a train ride home Caitlyn went to bed at 6:30pm and woke up at 7am Sunday morning. It was an experience and I am sure there are many people nursing pram injuries after the day. Bring on the Hawkesbury Show and the back pack!!!!!!
Our BABY girl is no longer a baby!!!
I think it is now time that we face facts and accept that our BABY girl is now a LITTLE girl and growing up so very fast.
This is a picture of our 1st Size 1 Outfits and Size 5 Boots from the Girls Sizes 1 - 12 section and not the Baby Sizes 0000 to 1 section.
She is talking non stop and that is not an exaggeration either. Calls daddy and grandma on the phone and can turn the tv on and off when she likes. Has started to use the toilet even if some days it is rather hit and miss, but we are getting there, slowly. She loves to draw, play with her playdough, crawl through the tunnel and ride her bike.
She has also started to show signs of her parents determination and stubbornness, but nevertheless, she is still our little princess.