
Merry Christmas from the Parkinsons

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Caitlyn finishes Kindergarten

Today was Caitlyn's last day of Kindergarten, where has the last year gone and where has my baby girls gone.......


Caitlyn graduates Kindergarten

Thursday night, Dad, Barb & Verlie joined us as we went to Caitlyn's Presentation Night. It was a long night, but was lots of fun. The first half of the night was all the special awards and then all of Kindergarten got a book and certificate for graduating Kindy and the Year 6's for finishing Primary School. Then there was a short intermission to allow the kids to get changed for their class performance/dance. We were very proud that Caitlyn actually danced as you can see below, she has come so far this year from the shy scared little mouse to this beautiful confident school girl.


Daddy brings Neon Dion to school

Today Andrew did his Scripture Christmas Concert at Millthorpe Public School. The kids all seemed to get involved and enjoy it and the teachers were really complimentary too. I think Caitie was a little chuffed that her Dad was there too :)

Good Morning Principal Jacket :)

Andrew, Neon Dion & the kids doing Twinkle Twinkle.

Roadie Pip wanted to get in the boot with all the gear....


Its Christmas Timee

As it was the 1st December, it was the day for the Christmas Tree to go up. So Grandma Werlie and Great Grandma Norma came up to help the girls decorate the tree. Once the tree was done, Verlie and the girls headed out to the garden and Norma stayed and helped Andrew and I decorate the rest of the house. We finished the night up with a yummy Roast Lamb dinner.


Caitie's 1st Disco

Caitie had her first school disco last night, after racing home from school at 3:30pm to do her homework, wash her hair and the plait it up while she munched on nuggets for dinner. We jumped in the car and dropped her off a school at 5:30pm. At 7pm we went back and picked her up and she had the best time.

Its really funny how at this age they are programmed so much..... This is where the Kindy kids line up of a morning for assembly and so they lined up and danced in their line.......



We got up yesterday morning to find all of these slippery suckers all over the front yard...... The girls had a great time carefully walking around to try and find them all, but I had to pick them up as in Pip's words "ohh how gross".