
Our Gymnastic Silver Medalist

Today Caitie had her second gymnastic grading and ended up with 88.40 points out of 100 and the Silver medal.

They have to do 10 things on either the floor, beam or bars and get 10 points per item.

To not say we were EXTREMELY proud of her would be lying and to say we (notice the WE) didn't tear up would be lying also.
We have spoken to Michael and she does now go up to the next class Step 3 and her class will change from 4-5pm Tuesday to 5-6pm.



We had Trish's (one of our fantastic youth leaders) 21st last night and the theme was "A night at the races", so I got to wear my hat again. Before we left I was playing around with the camera as you do and this shot came out...... I'm sorry Aunty Joy but I'm your twin!!!! Not sure if its you evil twin, but twin indeed.


Caitlyns Curls

I wanted Caities hair to be pretty for John & Lizzie's Engagement Party, so after baths I sat Caitie down and started to put her hair into 'rags'. I was really happy with my effort, it took 45 minutes, I had to make 8 more rags as I was making them smaller ringlets than when I have done it before and I was able to get them really tight. As the party was Saturday night and I was not wanting to pull the rags out till just before it which meant Caitie had to wear a bandanna all day to keep them in and under control. While I was helping set up for the party in the morning Andrew took the girls to Pitt Town Primary School Fete. They had a great time riding the pony's, jumping castle, bubble blowing, eating snow cones and cupcakes.

I knew that I had done a good job when to only way to get the rags out was to unwrap each ringlet as it was so tight it wouldn't let go of the rag. As you can see it worked so well and she looked fantastic.


Daddy Day 2008

We had a great day, started very early with Pip joining us in bed at 5:30am, then Caitie 5 minutes later. So we got up and got Andrew's presents. He loved their paintings, and the special things from Preschool, he knew about but still excited about his new Motorbike boots and then he LOVED the shutterfly book that I did for him of him and the girls.

Then it was bacon and eggs for breakfast and get ready for morning Church. After church we had a quick catch up with people and then headed up to Dad's for lunch with Dad & Barb and BJ, Kerryn and the Girls. We had a nice till catching up and eating YUMMY prawns and cheesecake (there was other food but this is the important items...) The girls had a rest when we got home and then it was over to Sunday Night Live.


IgglePiggle meets Mothers Group

I did manage to do my cake for Pip's birthday celebration at Mothers Group. I was really pleased with the way he turned out. And even more pleased that it didn't end up smashed on the ground as I hurried out the door, I stopped but the cake seemed to just keep going!!!!

Lots of food colouring, lots of sugary frosting equals lots of happy kids..... no I mean it bouncing off the walls happy and they say the food colouring effects kids..... nup!!!


The sick house!!!!

I can't believe how much money we have spent on medication in the last 3 weeks!!!! (I'm so glad we have our health card otherwise there is no way we could have afforded it!)

Before we went away last Thursday the girls were on there antibiotics for Chest infections and Tonsillitis and Andrew had a bad case of the flu or so we thought. Then Andrew got the Gastric bug so was throwing up for 2 days then it was time for us to go away for our 5th Sunday 4 day get away.... I have to be honest and this was not a fun time. I had to pack the entire van and then tow it all the way up to Blue Lagoon, set up the van, Andrew did help put the annex up as it is not a job for a short single person. He then spent the rest of Friday in bed. Oh Yeah Pip started throwing up at 12am on Thursday night but was back asleep by 2:30am. Saturday was a good day we all got up went for a play on the beach, went for a swim in the heated pool and spa had some lunch, a nap and then went to The Entrance to watch the Pelican feed and eat cold rock ice cream. Sunday Andrew was a right off again and by Sunday night was throwing up again... So Monday morning I got up and pulled down the entire annex on my own (my hands are still sore), packed the van around Andrew still in bed and then towed the van all the way

Andrew got an Dr's appointment at 3:30pm, so went dropped him up there went to the post office and then back to pick him up. Rex said that there was no need to be greedy to get attention as he diagnosed him with Sinusitis, Bronchitis, Gastroenteritis and wanted him to go straight up and have a chest xray to rule out of confirm pneumonia. So we headed up for the xray and had to hang around till 5pm to pick up the films to take them back to Rex and if he did have it get another antibiotic. It was confirmed and he was told to have at least a week off work.

Pip continued to have random temperatures and the same with Caitlyn. On Friday I took myself and the girls back to the Dr. All chest infections gone, tonsillitis gone, but Caitlyn now has an infection in her glands so is on another antibiotic and I am on antibiotics for Bronchitis.....

Andrew is doing better, Pip is now better, I'm just plodding along and I'm praying the Caitlyn is better as she started to throw up last night!!!


Philippa turns 2

Well not the best birthday for Miss Philippa, she woke up very grumpy and not interested. Then once all the presents were over she started to throw up AGAIN!!!!! Poor Iggle Piggle was in the washing machine before his tags were off. She spent most of the day just lying around and only started to pick up in the afternoon and has been OK since.

I went over to Penrith while she was sleeping to buy the BIG (66cm) Pillow Toys and put them on the lounge beside her. When she woke up she sat up her eyes lit up and she climbed up with them and had a look of total amazement on her face, they all then got big kisses and cuddles. They have been a hit ever since as she has feed them, wrestled them and danced around the lounge room with them. They are just the right height for her and Caitie has enjoyed them too.

I'm attempting my cake making skills again for Mothers group on Monday and as the theme of the year as you can see by the gifts is "In the night Garden" so I'm making a Iggle Piggle and he is Blue and Red, just like last year..... I wonder what blue and red character we can find for next year!!!