Caged Children
Caitlyn found the empty washing baskets and decided to cage herself in, what she didn't count on was Pip coming along and poking her through the holes.
Andrew is getting in on the act!!!
Wedding Bells (very exciting)
Last night Lizzie asked me to be in her wedding and I refuse to be the fat and frumpy bridesmaid. It is going to be exciting as we are all going to be involved in the wedding. Andrew is marrying them (performing the ceremony), Caitie is Lizzie's Flower girl, Pip is John's and now I'm a bridesmaid. It is lovely for all of us to be involved and I know it will be lots of fun trying to dress Caitlyn, Philippa and Lizzie and keep their hair in and dresses clean!!!!
My aim is to look good in the dress rather than just ok or what a shocker! So my aim is to get back to 55 - 60kg which means I need to loose 25 - 30 kg. For my height medically they recommend 46 - 60kg and the ideal weight is 62kg so I think by aiming for 55 - 60kg I am on the right track. I have not been that weight since year 10 so I know it is not going to be easy, but I got new walking shoes today (thanks to the Cutts birthday voucher) as my old ones are 5 and 10 years old and giving me bad blisters.
I plan to walk around the church every morning or down at the RAAF base as it starts getting light earlier and I'm not going to get mugged or something. I want to look healthy and not gaunt so I will loose as much as I need too when it comes down to it. I'm glad that this has happened to force my hand as like all of us I'm always going to bed motivated to exercise and eat right the next day, but its all very different in the light of the morning, but I know that excess weight is linked to Breast Cancer and with my family history I really don't need to give it any help!
Also if I get stuck into this full on now and you usually loose the most weight first up, It will be good as Kristy & Nick's wedding is only 6 weeks away and as I'm MC, I do want to look and feel reasonable. Anyway will keep you posted on my success !!!! (Come on I have to at least think positive!)
This has also kind of given us an answer to whether we want to go for number 3 now..... As the last thing Lizzie needs is a 8 month pregnant bridesmaid. On the other hand if we were to aim for a July - August baby then I will have lost the weight as I always come out of my pregnancy's 10kg lighter on top of the baby, my hair grows really long and is really healthy and I will have a nice plump cleavage to fill the dress, but then again milk letdown on a satin or taffeta dress not a good look in any instance!!!!
The verdict is in!!!
After a long and slightly scary night with Caitlyn, (She had temps of 39.9 and at 2am jumped up out of bed ran down the hall way screaming out "Aunty Jella, aunty jella where are you I can't find you", I settled her back down and then 20 minutes later she was screaming out again " Mummy Mummy help me, look look their all over my bed" I couldn't get her to settle down so took her into the hall and asked her what was wrong and she said " You saw them mummy" What Caitlyn?, "the animals they were all over my bed you saw them", I took her into our bed but after about 5 minutes there were crocodiles in my bed. At this point we both moved out to the lounge room with the light on, where we spent the rest of the night in fitful sleep till about 4am where she settled down till about 7am)
We went and saw "Dr Loppy" (Dr Stubbs that is but he is Dr Loppy to Pip as that is what she calls lollies and she always gets a lolly when she sees the Dr). Philippa has a chest infection and has 1 course of antibiotics, Caitlyn has a slight chest infection but more importantly has Tonsillitis, so 2 courses of antibiotics.
I'm hoping that after having 3 lots of antibiotics that we will have a better night tonight, but we are giving Church a miss tomorrow and mothers group on Monday as the last thing we need is them infecting someone else.
Oh yeah and my diagnosis of Andrew is he is a male with the flu so he is dying.......
No blogging tonight
I will not be blogging tonight as even though I am not going to Youth Group, Majella and Marcus are still coming over as Majella wants some help with something to do with the Engagement and Marcus is having 'withdrawal' from not playing with the girls.....
We would value your prayers as Pip has not been well for a week now with temperatures and a bad chesty cough. Andrew woke up with a blinding headache this morning and can't kick it but still has to do a games night at youth group tonight with 3 leaders down. Caitie has been complaining of a sore tummy again and today was sobbing for about 2 hours as she was in so much pain. She has picked up a bit this afternoon but I fear it will come back tonight! I have a Dr's appointment for both the girls tomorrow it is just getting till then. I am really tired as I have been up to them all week and I still have a bit of a leftover from the flu too.
Proof we bred little ones!!!!
January 2005 , International Terminal Sydney Airport Mascot. We are gathered to farewell the Hibbard family as they set off to Switzerland for a few years. Caitlyn is almost 1 yr old and is cutting all 4 top teeth so is not the most happy of babies. Graham has already gone through the gates as he was working the first leg of the trip and we are waiting with Paula and the boys till they have to leave too. Caitlyn is dressed in her blue summer overalls and bodysuit, she did have cute little pig tails too but the only lasted 10 minutes once we got in the car. Caitlyn decided that now was a good time to throw up all over herself!!! We did not have a change of clothes in the car as she was never a chucky baby and there was not a need, so I thought. There was a pair of shorts in the car, but no top. So while I was in the toilets trying to clean her up as best I could Andrew went back out to the car and got the shorts. The cleaning up was not very successful so I then had to go and find some kind of top for her to wear as we still had another hour or so before they left. So off to the souvenir shops I go, I never realised how hard it is to find a top for a OOO sized child in those places!!!! no body had anything.... eventually I found the smallest t'shirt I could find for under $25. Size 2, We put it on and needless to say she did look ridiculous but at least she was no longer top less.
Why the story:- This week at preschool they are having Mini Olympics and Caitlyn is in the blue team. She only has 1 blue shirt that she had worn yesterday and I was out last night so it was not washed. I found a navy shirt in the 'next size up' draw and guess what it fitted perfectly!!!!
Also Merrillie bought blue hairspray for the girls as they were in the same team, so Caitlyn had blue hair yesterday (you should have seen the bath water!) and today which was really cool as it came out as a shimmering silvery blue on her dark hair and looked great on the braid.
Mr & Mrs Mackenzie
2pm Saturday afternoon at St Johns Anglican Church Wilberforce, Kyle finally married Carmilla. It was a lovely service, the boys looked very handsome and the girls simply stunning and then there was the 'Preacher Man' very hot in his new pink stripped shirt and purple tie.....
Life and death
On Wednesday morning one of the old ladies from the church that has been there for 29 years passed away. Joyce was the most encouraging and Godly woman that just got old and sick. Joyce was sick for a long time and was in and out of hospital so often, that by the time we had changed the bulletin she was back in again. It was a very long and sad journey for her husband Morris who adored his bride of 58 years. He would spend as much time at the hospital with her until he could not drive anymore and then he could only go when someone could drive him... it must have been so hard. Andrew and I were talking to Noel and Andrew said that Morris seemed still on auto point when he spoke to him on Wednesday afternoon. Noel spoke to him on Thursday morning and he said that Morris was not doing as well today..... Morris had told Noel that he went to bed on Wednesday night and the last thing he said before he fell asleep was "Good night love" and there was silence"...... My heart just broke as the tears welled in my eyes. For 58 years this is what he did and now she is gone....
I know we all die, some old having lived a long life and others far too young, but I still find it so hard to rejoice in their life as you are missing their touch.
She's Electrifying!!!!!
Caitie got on the trampoline this afternoon, combined wind, electricity in the air and a nylon mat...... well you can see what it did to her hair. Also Lizzie thought it would be lovely to share her dark red lipstick with my child too!!!!! hence the scary lips.
Dresses for Aunty Kristy's Wedding
On Wednesday Andrew and I were in Parramatta getting his Fathers Day present (New Bike Boots) and so we wasted a lot of time in Target trying to find something for the girls to wear for Kristy's wedding on the long weekend in Oct. We found 1 style of dress that was in both sizes for the girls, but I was just not happy with it, it was pink and green check sundress with thin straps. Just didn't do it for me! Then as we were leaving I saw this dress and it was on sale $23.95. Problem was they only has sizes 4, 5 and 6, so not a 2 for Pip. However we went to Rouse Hill on the way home and they had the size 2. I was also able to get matching shoes (Caitie already had them, and I found a size 5 for Pip also on sale!!)
Bath Time ..... Their favorite time of day
Both the girls have always loved the bath, it is a great time for them to play together and get clean while they are at it. I have got a lot of great shots of them over the years in the bath.
What have I done!!!!!
Since finding out that we are going to be in the cottage for at least another 12 months I started to get frustrated with the girls rooms and the lack of space etc. So I rearranged Caitie's room and it was all good then I attacked Pip's room and I was happy with that too after I moved the cot, chest of draws and full book case from different walls 3 times. I was very sore the next day. Anyway we really wanted to move the two girls into the same room, hoping with each other in the same room they (Caitlyn) would sleep better and to give us a room that was just a toy/play room exclusively rather than it spread all over the house.
Day at the Fete
Pip's gets her new glasses
After a great appoinment with the Eye Dr we ordered Pip's glasses and they arrived yesterday.
She has been really great with them and thinks she like very beautiful (always wanting to see "Pippy in the mirror")