Our Important News
The teachers are fantastic, the centre has been there since the 80's but is just exciting every time we go and when we get there at 8:45am- 9am there are kids everywhere playing and she just joins in. We have had no bedtime issues, she talks about going all the time and just loves it. Which is SO great for us, as I was worried that after last time she might not cope but I need to have more faith in my big girl. Miss Nicola was trying to explain that this is her preschool now not just Tahlia's as I think she still thinks of Clarendon as her preschool and this one Tahlia's.
So each Wednesday we drive to Kadens, throw Pip and Kalista in the pram and walk Caitie and Tahlia down to preschool as it is 2 houses down from their place. And now Caitie doesn't want me picking her up at 3pm, she want us to pick her up when Merra picks up Tahlia at 4:30pm and we have to walk back to Tahlia's house. Don't you just love her.
She gets a t'shirt, hat and bag and just looks adorable. The first day I forgot my camera but it was so cute here is both Caitie and Tahlia in their Pink shirts, Pink Hats, Jeans and Sneakers walking hand in hand carrying their dolls. Just a priceless moment.
I am so impressed with this preschool that the plan is to enrol Pip in for 1 day next year and Andrew swap his day off so we can have a day off without the girls and try and do some more Motorbike riding. I was a little hesitant to put Pip in as it is just a babysitting service for her age but then I realised that I need a break and for Andrew and I to have a whole day that is just us I think can only be beneficial to us and our marriage!!!! No housework that day..... And tell me where you can get a Babysitter that also feeds your child for $15.25 a day!!!!!
I should have gone with my gut instinct, 8:45am to 4:30pm is too long. When we got there Miss Nicola told us that she had started to cry at 4pm as she wanted to go home. So i will be picking her up at 4pm next week.
Australia Zoo
Tiger Island, really interesting for us but after 5 minutes for Caitie not so, as for Wiggles World they have 2 rides 1 of which was not working and Nic Land well they had 3 rides she could go on but other than that... not much else. We did find the Vintage Cars way down the back and this was a good one. Caitie even drove, well she thought she did while Daddy pushed the peddle and the car traveled around the track that is.
Sometimes you just have to see to believe!!!! So take a look at this!!!!
Amazing hey, did you know that you can get Hot Chips, cooked Hot Chips in 90 seconds out of a vendor machine!!!!
Treasure Island Holiday Park Biggera Walters
The girls loved the pool and some days Caitie's routine was Swim, Grapes, Jumping Pillow, Grapes, Swim, Grapes, Jumping Pillow, you get the idea. And Pip's was Swim, Sleep, Eat, Swim, Sleep, Eat...
The pool for Caitie was great got her water confidence back up and she was swimming under water from one side to the other, swimming backwards under water and even mastered backward underwater somersaults . If this is all that our holiday achieved it was worth every penny, but it isn't there was lots more. Pip just walked around and around as the water kept her standing and you just stood her up each time she lost her balance and went for a dunk and off again she would go.
Andrew hired one of the go carts one afternoon and rode all around the park with Caitie for an hour, while Pip slept and I read. We also had lots of fun playing Dora Ropes and Ladders.
We are expecting that as the conference was such a great success that it will be a yearly thing, so we are wanting to do this defiantly until the girls are at school and maybe even after as taking them out a few weeks a year for holidays is not going to cause them to fail. But we will be going in the term as it is just so much easier.
September Holidays - Travelling to QLD
Next morning it was off to Grafton which again was a trouble free trip. We spent the afternoon around the very cold pool and then drove around for 45 minutes trying to find somewhere to have dinner and ended up at Macca's!!! Country towns on Sunday nights not much to choose from. The park was sensational, not a kids park but great transit park as we got a drive through site which meant we didn't even need to unhook. The only thing was we were next to the duck pond which was full of frogs that croaked all night and then at 4am the sprinkler's came on. But if that is all I can say to fault this place then it was good. We also stayed here on our return home trip. Drive thru sites FANTASTIC!!!!!! now they just need drive thru ensite site and we are set.
Introducing Teghan Jade Amelia Parkinson
She was born Sunday 9th Sept to very proud parents Dave & Dee. After some feeding hiccups and getting her days and nights mixed up, as they all do, she is doing really well and is now a healthy 8pd. Dave is back at work and Dee is managing to get a few cat naps in while Teghan is sleeping. Overall they are loving their new bundle of joy and all of the new experiences that come with the responsibility of being parents.
Lizzie Turns 18!!!
Well yes she made it!!! and from all accounts she had a great day.
Then in the evening we left the girls with Grandma Werlie and headed into The Hard Rock Cafe for dinner.
WOOO HOOO we have broken the 1000!!!!!!!!!!
We are back AGAIN!!!!!